First, it’s really not a tax. It’s an initially fixed price system that ultimately transitions to a market mechanism.
Next, despite the protestations of the rent seekers and the political opponents, it’s far better to do something than nothing in response to anthropogenically-caused climate change. No matter how small that response is on a global basis, it’s something. Waiting on the other major polluters to act is a game not worth playing.
Third, in spite of what some would have us believe, Australia is by no means the first country to do this. There’s a highly functional ETS already at work in Europe and it has emerged from a number of schemes similar to what Australia is only now beginning to do.
Fourth, are we responsible grown-ups, or temperamental children? Despite evidence to the contrary, at acidlabs we choose to believe the former and think we need to take responsibility for our own actions.
Fifth, no matter what you hear otherwise, the net effect of the pricing of carbon in the Australian economy is, to be honest, negligible. At $9.90 or so per week, we’re covered if we drink a few less coffees. Really, you’re hurting? No, you’re not. Take a look at the infographic in this post. Click through for a larger version from The Australia Institute.
Sixth, shouldn’t we see this as an opportunity not a problem? Where are the people in the business community calling for dramatic and revolutionary innovation in the energy sector? Why aren’t the energy players, polluters and miners scrambling to show who can be the smartest and most innovative rather than bitching and moaning about how hard it is? The same goes for the political players; let’s see some of those people making a lot of noise about driving innovation, partnerships and revolutionary change to adapt to a changed ecosystem. After all, meeting our (fairly inadequate) commitments to carbon reduction is a bipartisan policy.
So, we’re nailing our colors firmly to the mast — we’re happy to pay. So much so that we’ve signed on to Businesses for a Clean Economy’s initiative supporting a carbon price in our economy.
We think your business should too. Are you prepared to be a part of the change?
The post Why acidlabs embraces the carbon tax appeared first on acidlabs.